Monday, April 30, 2012

Some of us are chapter book geniuses

At school some of us are writing chapter books, at writing time.We started them at the start of the year. Some of us started at term 2. Savanna's chapter book is about Marshmallow Land. Savanna, Nova and Jacob.


Harold is a giraffe that teaches life education.  We learn about body parts, energy, oxygen and making friends. He makes movies and he explores in them. Harald is the coolest giraffe we ever met.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


We have joined a new, for us, initiative called Quadblog.

This means that we link to three other schools around the world via their blog sites. We can "meet" the children and find out what they do in other schools. The groups can change throughout the year.

Here are our Quadblog schools for this round.

St Teresa's United Kingdom

The Deans Primary School United Kingdom

Taipei European School Taiwan

Last Day of Term

What an awesome last day.

We had a shared lunch in our house groups.

We got to say goodbye to Jani and wished him all the best for his shift to Wanaka.

We got to say hallo to Elizabeth, who left earlier in the term. Great to have her visit us for the afternoon.

We got to go home for two weeks of holiday.

Be safe and enjoy your break.


Last Week of Term 1 2012.

A big welcome to our newest classmate, Mya. Mya has come back to Highfield School from Australia so some of us already know her. Welcome to Room 13, Mya!